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Using Dum Dums in Speech Therapy to Elicit K and G Sounds

Using lollipops can be a fun way to teach your little ones how to produce certain sounds!

Make your K sound ("kuh, kuh, kuh"), what's happening in your mouth?

Your mouth is open and your tongue is flat - the back of your tongue is moving slightly toward the back of your mouth.

Do the same with your G sound ("guh, guh, guh") and observe what happens.

Sometimes our kiddos have a difficult time producing these "back sounds." When they try to produce K, it comes out as T, and when they try to produce G, it comes out as D. Make your T and D sounds and observe what is happening in your mouth. Your mouth is open and your tongue tip is raising up to touch the roof of your mouth, right behind your teeth.

In order to help our kiddos produce these "back sounds" (K and G), we have to get them to only move the back of their tongue.

Using a Dum dum, have your child hold down the tip of their tongue in their mouth and try to produce their K and G sound. Do this in the mirror so they can see what heir tongue is doing in their mouth. Have them produce their T/D sounds and K/G sounds (with the Dum Dum) so they can see the difference in tongue position. Once they are able to produce their K and G sounds in isolation, they can move on to words!


1. Practice producing /k/ 10 times ("kuh, kuh, kuh") using the Dum Dum to hold down your tongue.

2. Practice producing /g/ 10 times ("guh, guh, guh") using the Dum Dum to hold down your tongue.

3. Practice /k/ words (using the Dum Dum to hold down your tongue only while trying to produce your sound) - car, corn, cup, cow, come, kiss, king, cage, cut, cat

4. Practice /g/ words (using the Dum Dum to hold down your tongue only while trying to produce your sound) - gas, game, gum, go, green, gate, goat, goal, get, grape

5. Practice your /k/ and /g/ sounds and words without the Dum Dum!

Now, you get to enjoy your Dum Dum!

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